Hey guys today I will be writing my 430 comment hope you guys enjoy.And guys I will be doing alot more comments but I will not be posting them.
Thursday, January 24, 2019
Friday, January 18, 2019
Activity 1: Bee Informed-Summer Learning Journey-Week 5-Day 2
Hey Guys sorry i missed a post, Anyway hope you enjoy
To earn full points for this activity you must type all five sentences and then fill in the blanks for each one. Post the completed sentences on your blog.
Hey bloggers, Sorry i missed a post but to day i will be completing the text above hope you enjoy, Bye!
The word ‘bumblebee’ is a compound word (bumble + bee). The word ‘bumble’ means to Buzz, Hum,Drone,
Bumblebees can fly very quickly. They can reach ground speeds of 54 kilometers per hour (km/h).
Bumblebees are very strong! They carry up to 90 percent of their body weight in food with them to avoid starvation.
Bumblebees can do more work and carry more pollen than other bees, including honeybees. In fact, they can do up to 50 times as much work as a normal honeybee.
The number of bumblebees is declining in New Zealand due to a number of factors, including removal of wildflowers and flowering tress from the landscape, habitat loss, the mechanisation of agriculture and extensive use of pesticides.
Anyways guys I hope yous enjoy, Blog you later, Bye
Tuesday, January 15, 2019
Activity 3: Concluding the Journey-Summer Learning Journey-Week 4-day 5
Sadly, the Summer Learning Journey has now come to an end. It is time to reflect on everything that you have learned about the environment and, particularly, about how you can protect and preserve it.

"WOW" this was really fun I cant believe I finished the journey the activities were so interesting and amazing.
What I learnt well I was participating in the journey was a lot of things about pollution,Water,Maori culture and more!
The one thing that surprised me was how many people died from air pollution, That's really sad.
Nothing really upset me throughout the Summer Learning Journey because it was so fun and interesting. Well besides for all the animals that are about to go extinct that made me upset.
The one thing me and my family can do to help our environment is stop littering and tell others people to stop littering and care for our environment.
I would like to Thank the summer Learning Journey members for letting me be part of this adventure.
Hope you guys enjoyed me posting about the Summer Learning Journey and thanks for all the feedback.
Thank you...Bye!
"WOW" this was really fun I cant believe I finished the journey the activities were so interesting and amazing.
What I learnt well I was participating in the journey was a lot of things about pollution,Water,Maori culture and more!
The one thing that surprised me was how many people died from air pollution, That's really sad.
Nothing really upset me throughout the Summer Learning Journey because it was so fun and interesting. Well besides for all the animals that are about to go extinct that made me upset.
The one thing me and my family can do to help our environment is stop littering and tell others people to stop littering and care for our environment.
I would like to Thank the summer Learning Journey members for letting me be part of this adventure.
Hope you guys enjoyed me posting about the Summer Learning Journey and thanks for all the feedback.
Thank you...Bye!
Activity 2: Adoption Day-Summer Learning Journey-Week 4-Day 5
On your blog, list the three animals that you have chosen and then compare and contrast them. How are they similar? How are they different? At the bottom of you post, tell us which of the three animals you would most like to adopt..
Hey guys, Today I will be completing the text above...Hope you enjoy!
So here are my 3 animals....
Hey guys, Today I will be completing the text above...Hope you enjoy!
So here are my 3 animals....
- Ocelot
- Jaguar
- Amour Leopard
How are they Similar?
- There all types of cats
- They have the same type of patterns
- They all have 4 legs
How are they different?
- Sorry i really don't now any differences.
- They have different names
I would adopt the Ocelot because i think it is more friendly then the others
I hope you guys enjoyed!
Blog you later!Bye!
Activity 1: Environmental Day - Beat Plastic Pollution-Summer Learning Journey-Week 4-Day 5
What could you and your family do to protect the planet?
On your blog tell us three things that you could do to help save the planet.
Hey Bloggers,Today I will be completing the text above,Hope you enjoy!
So me and my family have came up with 3 ways to save the planet. I will list them down below
- Make all cars electric (Because gas creates smog/ Gas pollution)
- Shower instead of taking baths.
- Use recycled paper
I hope you guys enjoyed and maybe you could use some of these tips!
Blog you later!Bye!
Monday, January 14, 2019
Activity 3: Restricted Access-Summer Learning Journey-Week 4-Day 4
On your blog, tell us what you think about the government’s decision to restrict the number of tourists able to visit this special site. Is it fair? Be sure to tell us why you feel the way that you do.
Hey bloggers,Today i will be completing the text above hop you enjoy!
I think this decision is unfair because Machu Picchu is an open space were everyone should be allowed to visit,Plus it is a free world! I feel confused on why the government would make this decision.
Comment below your opinion.
Activity 2: The Plastic Pledge -Summer Learning Journey-Week 4-Day 4
For this activity, please ask one member of your family and/or a friend what they think about Countdown’s decision to go ‘plastic bag free.
On your blog, tell us what they think about Countdown’s decision to stop using plastic bags.
Hey Bloggers,Today I will be completing the text above hope you enjoy!
Me personally i think this is a good idea but also a bad idea. I thinks its a good idea because this will help our sea animals live logger because they are not eating plastic (Plastic bags)..I also think it is a bad idea because people have to pay to get a bag.
My dads thinks it is a great idea because maybe it will help our environment. He said "It is a good idea because it will help our environment and also it will stop the dolphins/Whales from dying"
Comment below what you thing of this.
Blog you later..Bye

On your blog, tell us what they think about Countdown’s decision to stop using plastic bags.
Hey Bloggers,Today I will be completing the text above hope you enjoy!
Me personally i think this is a good idea but also a bad idea. I thinks its a good idea because this will help our sea animals live logger because they are not eating plastic (Plastic bags)..I also think it is a bad idea because people have to pay to get a bag.
My dads thinks it is a great idea because maybe it will help our environment. He said "It is a good idea because it will help our environment and also it will stop the dolphins/Whales from dying"
Comment below what you thing of this.
Blog you later..Bye
Activity 1: Campaigning for Conservation-Summer Learning Journey-Week 4-Day 4
On your blog, tell us which campaign you have chosen to support and provide us with a slogan for that campaign
Hey Bloggers, Today I am going to complete the text above!Hope you enjoy.
So the one I have chosen is Forest & Bird New Zealand and to go with this I came up with A SLOGAN. And that SLOGAN is "Catching up with nature!"
I hope you enjoyed reading and liked my Slogan,I will admit it does sound a bit cringe.
Comment what slogan you would have! Blog you later,,,Bye!

Hey Bloggers, Today I am going to complete the text above!Hope you enjoy.
So the one I have chosen is Forest & Bird New Zealand and to go with this I came up with A SLOGAN. And that SLOGAN is "Catching up with nature!"
I hope you enjoyed reading and liked my Slogan,I will admit it does sound a bit cringe.
Comment what slogan you would have! Blog you later,,,Bye!

Friday, January 11, 2019
Activity 3: The Power of Ten_Summer_Learning_Journey_Week 4_Day 2
On your blog, list 10 species (animals or plants) that you would protect from extinction. For each one, give a reason as to why you think it is important to protect.
Hey guys I will be doing what the text above says..Hope you enjoy!
I would protect
Hey guys I will be doing what the text above says..Hope you enjoy!
I would protect
- Maui Whales
- The cry violet (Flower)
- Mountain Goraills
- White tiger
- Polar Bears
- Bali tiger
- Sliphium
- Rafflesia flower
- Georgia Aster
- Black Bat flower
Hey readers sorry that I have barley any photos only 1 but I will try to put some on.My device was glitchygl.
Anyway thanks for reading blog you later.. Bye 😀
Activity 2: Protecting the Most Vulnerable - Fact or Fiction?_Summer Learning Journey-Week 4 Day 3
your blog, post three facts that you learned about the Māui Dolphin. Then, using your imagination, create three more statements about Māui dolphins that are not true (i.e. false). Please don’t tell us which of your statements about Māui Dolphins are true and which are false. It will be the job of the students and staff who read your blog to figure it out.
Hey guys today I will be completing the text above....Hope you enjoy..
Hey guys today I will be completing the text above....Hope you enjoy..
- There are only 63 Māui dolphins left on earth.
- Maui dolphins are the smallest of the worlds 32 dolphin species
- Maui dolphins are know to live up to 20 years.
True or False!
- Maui and Hector dolphins look different to others?
- Maui dolphins communicate with clicks?
- Maui dolphins feed off a variety of different species of fish.
Hop yoHop you guys enjoyed reading..Blog you later.Bye
Activity 1: Predator Free 2050 – A Call to Arms_Summer learning Journey_Week 4_Day 3
On your blog, tell us which one of the videos you liked the best and why...
Hey Guys,Today I will be completing the text above..Hope you enjoy!
I hope chose the first one because it has great ideas on how to catch the rats and possums like
Having cameras spying on thier cage outside
Connecting a device to a speaker so he will be able to hear the environment and know if a predator is there.
I also chose this video because it is great and it gives us ideas..
Hope you enjoyed .Blog you later Bye 😀

Hey Guys,Today I will be completing the text above..Hope you enjoy!
I hope chose the first one because it has great ideas on how to catch the rats and possums like
Having cameras spying on thier cage outside
Connecting a device to a speaker so he will be able to hear the environment and know if a predator is there.
I also chose this video because it is great and it gives us ideas..
Hope you enjoyed .Blog you later Bye 😀
Activity 3: A House is Not a Home_Summer learning Journey_Week 4 Day 2
On your blog, tell us which one of the videos you liked the best and why..
Hey guys today I will be completing the text above.
So today I have chosen Fruit and Nut forests in Tajikistan
I found this one interesting because it had loads of facts and because I like fruit..Here are the facts
- Only 3% of the country is forwsted
- There's a rich variety of wild Fruit and Nut trees
- And more
I hope you guys enjoyed blog you later..Bye
Activity 2:A protective plant-summer Learning Journey-Week 4 day 2 Day
On your blog list 10 veggies, fruits, or herbs that you would plant in your garden.
Hey guys today I will be completing the text above,Hope you enjoy!
I would like...
Hey guys today I will be completing the text above,Hope you enjoy!
I would like...
- Srawberrys
- Watermallon
- Mint
- Carrots
- Avacado
- Peaches
- Plumbs
- Potatoes
- Corn
- Bananas
Hope you guys enjoyed...Blog you later..Bye Bye 😀
Comment Bellow what you would plant
Activity 1: A Flying Fox-Summer Learning Journey-Week 4-Day 2
On your blog, tell us how you would feel about going zip lining in Rotorua. Try to use some descriptive words (adjectives) and action words (verbs) in your post!.
Hey guys today i will be completing the text above...Hope you guys enjoy!
If I was to go Zip Lining i would be pretty nervous.But it does look pretty exciting.If I was to go zip lining in Rotorua I would have beatifbeas in my stomach it looks really nervracking to me.
Hey guys today i will be completing the text above...Hope you guys enjoy!
If I was to go Zip Lining i would be pretty nervous.But it does look pretty exciting.If I was to go zip lining in Rotorua I would have beatifbeas in my stomach it looks really nervracking to me.
I hope you enjoyed..Blog you later..Bye Bye 😀
Comment below how you would feel 🤔
Activity 3: The Sky in Shanghai_Summer Learning Journey-Week 4-Day 1
On your blog, write a poem that describes your feelings about travelling to Beijing, China..
People are getting hurt then soon after burred under the dirt
Humans are watching people fall but try to stand tall
Beijing is falling while people are calling
Someone Says "Masks on lets make it out of here before dusk till dawn"
A part of china is starting to burst well other say its just a curse
My time in china was nothing like north Carolina.
Hope you guys enjoyed!
Sorry if it is offensive
Activity 2: Guardians of the Sea-Summer Learning Journey-Week 4 Day 1
On your blog tell us whether, or not, you believe that Taniwha exist. Be sure to explain to us why you feel this way.
Hi bloggers today i will be completing the text above...Hope you enjoy!
In my opinion i think this is true because if waikato river is the longest river in the world who knows what is on the other side of the river. Maybe the Taniwha lives somewhere in the river that docent get explored by humans and it just decided to swim through the river
That is just my opinion!
Hope you guys enjoyed,Blog you later...Bye
Activity 1: World of Wearable (WOW) Art-Summer Learning Journey-Week 4-Day 1
On your blog, list five interview questions that you would like to ask Dame Suzie Moncrieff.
Hey bloggers today I will be completing the text above...Hope you enjoy.
So I would aske her..
Hey bloggers today I will be completing the text above...Hope you enjoy.
So I would aske her..
- Who was you insperatin to start making things out of reusable stuff?
- How did you come up with the name World Of Wearable (WOW)
- Do you enjoy doing what you do.
- What type of material do you use?
- Would you consider yourself famous for what you do?
Hope you guys enjoyed reading..Blog you later,Bye😆
Activity 3: Let It Rain-Summer Learning journey-Week 3-day 5
On your blog, write a short story about what happened when you opened the door and walked outside after the acid rain storm.
Hey Guys today i will be completing the text above..hope yo enjoy,Blog you later ,Bye
When the ran stopped I had open the door.It looked like the ran stopped so when I opened the door I took one step out and into the acid water then BOOM the acid from the water made a hole in my shoe. I was shocked! A few minutes later my family decided to go for a walk my family had know idea the rain was polluted but I tryed to warn them. "AHHHH" Yelled my brother.My family could tell something was unusual....
I hope you enjoyed reading my shore story...Blog you later,Bye!
Hey Guys today i will be completing the text above..hope yo enjoy,Blog you later ,Bye
When the ran stopped I had open the door.It looked like the ran stopped so when I opened the door I took one step out and into the acid water then BOOM the acid from the water made a hole in my shoe. I was shocked! A few minutes later my family decided to go for a walk my family had know idea the rain was polluted but I tryed to warn them. "AHHHH" Yelled my brother.My family could tell something was unusual....
I hope you enjoyed reading my shore story...Blog you later,Bye!
Activity 2: Changing Climates-Summer Learning Journey-Week 3 day 5
On your blog, tell us about five things that you like to do when it is too rainy to go outside..
He bloggers,Today i will be doing what is says above hope you guys enjoy.
I like to..
He bloggers,Today i will be doing what is says above hope you guys enjoy.
I like to..
- Go on electronics like (My phone,Computer and more)
- Watch Movies with my family
- Play games with my family like (Dominoes,Card games,Monopoly and more)
- Read books
- Paint/Draw
Hope you guys enjoyed,Blog you later,Bye!
Activity 1: Persistent Pollution-Summer Learning Journey-Week 3-Day 5
On your blog, tell us what you see in the photo. What shape(s) do you see? Be sure to tell us which picture (1, 2 or 3) you have chosen and describe what you see in lots of detail!.
Hi bloggers today i will be doing what the text above says.I hope you enjoy!
- Some air pollution comes from natural sources. Like volcanic eruptions, fog fires and more.
- There are different types of human activities that make air pollution.
- Most air pollution results come from human activities such as energy use,fire and more.
Hope you enjoyed reading,Blog you later..Bye!
Activity 3: Crazy, Cool Clouds-Summer Learning Journey-Day-4 Week 3
On your blog, tell us what you see in the photo. What shape(s) do you see? Be sure to tell us which picture (1, 2 or 3) you have chosen and describe what you see in lots of detail!.
Hi guys today i will be completing the text above hope you enjoy..Also i have chosen picture 2..
I this picture I can see a white fluffy cloud that looks like a Tornado and a Spaceship. The clouds look so soft like marshmallows. It looks like a round shape like a cycle and it looks super cuddly.
Hope you enjoyed reading about this cloud...
What do you see?
Hi guys today i will be completing the text above hope you enjoy..Also i have chosen picture 2..
Hope you enjoyed reading about this cloud...
What do you see?
Activity 2: The Seven Sisters-Summer Learning Journey-Week 3 day 4
On your blog, write a short summary of the book. What was it about? Try to summaries the story in 6-8 sentences.
Hi bloggers today i will be doing what it says up above hope you enjoy!
Once upon of time lived a man called Metai.Metai lived in a village with his 7 brothers. Metai was the youngest out of all his brothers.Him and his brothers were the most handsome in the village.They could turn woman into things like birds.Then one day the brothers went to go hunt for some food....But suddenly the heard beuatiful voices so they immediately started to follow the voices.Then the came across beautiful woman that actually looked like shining stars.The brothers straight away fell in love.so the brothers took the woman back to their village. Metai was the only one without a lady. Metai warned his brothers that the girls were bad luck but they seemed to not care.
The brothers were so in love that they even starved thier self.The brothers started to look skiny and not as handsome as before.
Metai started to fell super suspicious. But one day he found out they were birds so he decided to turn in to a bird him self.The he found out thier plan.There plan was to starve the brothers. Metai flew to his brothers to tell them the story.Then Metai convinced them to catch the 7 woman In
A net.
And that is the end hope you enjoyed sorry if it was to long.😉
The brothers were so in love that they even starved thier self.The brothers started to look skiny and not as handsome as before.
Metai started to fell super suspicious. But one day he found out they were birds so he decided to turn in to a bird him self.The he found out thier plan.There plan was to starve the brothers. Metai flew to his brothers to tell them the story.Then Metai convinced them to catch the 7 woman In
A net.
And that is the end hope you enjoyed sorry if it was to long.😉
Activity 1: The Southern Lights-Summer Learning Journey-Week 3-Dy 4
For this activity, you are to write a short acrostic word poem about the beautiful lights.
HI Bloggers,Today i will be writing a acrostic poem about lights in the sky...Hope you enjoy.
L-Lots of brights colors
I-Illuminate (to supply or brighten with light)
G-Gravitating (Move towards or be attracted to a person or thing)
H-Helpless to touch)
T-Transcendent (Beyond or above the range of normal or physical human experiences.
S-See you next time!
Blog you later,Hope you enjoyed

HI Bloggers,Today i will be writing a acrostic poem about lights in the sky...Hope you enjoy.
L-Lots of brights colors
I-Illuminate (to supply or brighten with light)
G-Gravitating (Move towards or be attracted to a person or thing)
H-Helpless to touch)
T-Transcendent (Beyond or above the range of normal or physical human experiences.
S-See you next time!
Blog you later,Hope you enjoyed
Monday, January 7, 2019
Activity 3: Wind Beneath My Wings-Summer Learning Journey-Week 3-Day 3
On your blog, post a final copy of your DLO..
Hey Bloggers today i am going to be sharing so facts about Flying Squirrels,Hope you enjoy.
Hey Bloggers today i am going to be sharing so facts about Flying Squirrels,Hope you enjoy.
Thanks for checking my post out,Hope you enjoyed it.Blog you later,Bye!
Activity 2: Flying Foxes-Summer Learning Journey_Week 3-Day 3
On your blog, tell us what superpower you would like to have and why you’d like to have it
Hi bloggers today I will be completing the text above,Hope you enjoy!
I would like my power to be teleportation because I will get to know what is going to be happening in the future and what sort of job i will have.I will also get to teleport to my family.And also i will get to think ahead of everybody.
Hope you enjoyed,blog you later,Bye!🙋

Hi bloggers today I will be completing the text above,Hope you enjoy!
So the superpower I have chosen is teleportation. Teleportation means you can teleport back in to the past or teleport into the future.It is a time machine/Portal
I would like my power to be teleportation because I will get to know what is going to be happening in the future and what sort of job i will have.I will also get to teleport to my family.And also i will get to think ahead of everybody.
Hope you enjoyed,blog you later,Bye!🙋

Activity 1: Bird of the Year!Summer Learning Journey-Week 3 day 3
On your blog, write a short description of your bird. Where does your bird normally live? What does your bird normally eat? Post a picture of the bird underneath your description.
Hey Bloggers,Today i will be completing the text above.
Hey Bloggers,Today i will be completing the text above.
So today i had to write a description of a bird.And the bird i chose was the kakapo now this bird is exquisitely perfumed as if its wings were dipped in to the most beautiful fragrance known to this earth its feathers are green so green it makes for a perfect camouflage.and for the diet of the kakapo they mostly like to eat plants in order to keep themselves healthy it is also known to be rather a parrot then just a bird they also live in nests
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