
Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Offering a Helping Hand

1 comment:

  1. Tena koe Araura,

    You sound like an extremely generous person who will go out of your way to help others. I think these are all really great ideas to help others. I am very interested to hear about your idea around selling scrap metals. I would never have thought about this as a fundraiser. What inspired you to think of this idea?

    When I was into swimming we used to fundraise for our trips out of town and we would often see boxes of chocolate. We would raise a lot of money doing this and I would have so much fun selling it. However, I have a major sweet tooth and would often sneak chocolate into my room.

    Have you ever done any fundraising before?

    Looking forward to hearing from you.

    Have a lovely day,
    Megan :)


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