
Monday, December 31, 2018

Activity 1: Weaving a Tall Tale… Summer Learning Journey,Week 2 day 2

On your blog, tell us whether or not you would like to try flax weaving. Does it interest you? Why or why not?

Hi bloggers today i will be following what the text above says. By the way yes i have tried this before.

I would not like to try flax/Harakeke because there is sharp bits on it and I would not like to get cut.I do find this interesting though.And I did have a lot of fun when I did it.

Thanks for reading about why i would not want to do Flax/Harakeke. Blog you later,Bye!


  1. Hola Araura,

    You have shared your opinion about weaving, I can totally understand where you're coming from when you talk about possibly cutting yourself. I've seen someone cut their finger really badly on a fa'i (banana) tree once, it was not pretty and it looked so painful. I hope one day you can overcome your fear since you find it interesting.

    I would love to weave more often, I have weaved with plastic and flax before and it takes a lot of patience. One day I want to weave a fala (mat) for my family, we used to have lots in our house but not so much now. I would also love to weave my Mum, sisters and niece an Ili (fan), my Grandparents had so many beautiful ili that had the most vibrant colours. Is there anything you'd like to weave?

    Well done on completing another Summer Learning Journey activity.

    Toe feiloa'i fo'i,


  2. Hi Araura,
    Well done on finishing this Summer Learning Journey activity. I would imagine getting cut by flax would be like getting a paper cut, which is small but is still painful, so I understand why you wouldn't want to do any weaving. I would give it a go as I think it would be a interesting and new experience. Keep up the good work.


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